Gallery X
New Bedford, Massachusetts
April 8th, 2009 — May 3rd, 2009
This exhibition explores how representational figurative art uses the human face to redefine identity through portraiture. Selected artists were asked to present two artworks depicting the same individual. The works were displayed beside each other in order to examine their similarities, differences, and the relationship between the creation of art and the construction of identity.
Curator: Joshua Nierodzinski
Artists: David Allen, Mark Arruda, Scott Barry, Adrienne Belyea,Christine Bertram, Milton Brightman, Bo Burbank, Meredith Wildes Cornell, Victor DaSilva, Mark Delisle, Jenna Deluca, Erik Durant, Kevin Fernandes, Caleb Fiero, Nilsa Garcia-Rey, Dena Haden, Patricia Kellogg, Anna Jane Kocon, Geoffrey Koetsch, Liz Lavalley, Eden Lazarus, Nicholas Malinowski, Doug McCormack, Allison Mcglynn, Matthew Oates, Kendra O'Donnell, Elizabeth Pozen, Christina Renfer, Robert Schoolar, Stephanie Sherman, John Havens Thornton, Adrian Tio.